CITY 5 Football Club Tournaments – August 2018

During the course of the month of August, CITY 5 Football Club has organized a few tournaments where the local clubs get the opportunity to play against one another. We organized the Mondial de Pondy and the Franco-Pondicherian Tournament.  The first one, the Mondial de Pondy, was an opportunity for local clubs like the WOGA Team (official winner) to compete in a tournament against serious adversaries and it also gave the CITY 5 Football Club a chance to present their TEAM INDIA for the first time in a local competition. Although TEAM INDIA was qualified up to the final, they lost in a very tight game. The winner was determined by a series of penalty won over by the WOGA Team. The Franco-Pondicherian tournament’s main aim was to strengthen the Franco-Indian spirit but also to create a synergy and a true interaction between Indian and French players. 

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